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Monday, October 6, 2014


Creating Fluent Readers: 
3 important dimensions of fluency:
1. Accuracy in word decoding- sounding out the words in a text.
2. Automatic processing- Using little effort to understand and read the words.
3. Prosodic Reading- Reading with expression, placing emphasis on certain words and punctuation.

Chapter 4:
Reader's Theater is a great way to focus on the dimension of prosodic reading when it comes to fluency.
You can order these online or find
them at a teacher store.
I have personally worked with a first grade
classroom that used this and the children loved the activity! They were able to act like certain characters, which allowed them to give off a variety of expressions and tones.

Word walls are common in classrooms today. They allow high-frequency words to be on display for the children to see. When the children are writing, they are able to refer to the word wall for certain words so they can spell them correctly. These words will vary from class to
 class but it is important to put words on this wall that will be used frequently in your particular classroom.


  1. I totally agree with you about word walls. If you put words on there that are not used frequently in your class then it kinda defeats the purpose of having a word wall. I also think that reader's theatre is a great way to get the children involved because not only are they reading that are finding the reading exciting and fun.

  2. I really like you "Read it Like You Are.." page. It would encourage the class to express with more variety as they read, but also help them understand which inflections seem more/less appropriate given the context of whatever they are reading. It would also be a fun group/collaborative activity to encourage students to read together and have fun doing it.
