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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Foundations for Literacy

Main Ideas & Thoughts for Chapter 3 (Classrooms that Work) & The Jones Family's Culture of Literacy

One of the best things about the Classrooms that Work book is how many ideas and activities it provides! I was able to highlight ideas and activities in the book that I will possibly use in a future classroom. Something that was discussed frequently in this chapter was phonemic awareness. The book defines phonemic awareness as the ability to recognize that words are made up of a discrete set of sound and to manipulate those sounds (pg. 32).

Activities I loved from chapter 3:                                                       

1. Provide a variety of things to write with and on in the classroom: I thought this was really cool because each child is different and they need to be able to have options. This makes writing fun and provides a variety in the classroom for the children. One way I have seen this done is by stamping the words!

2. Letter actions: Children are super active and contain a large amount of energy. This activity encourages their energy by having a letter of the alphabet paired with an action. For example, the children would hop when you picked the letter H.

3. Children as the alphabet: Each child would get a letter on a laminated card. They would then slowly line up in order as the class sang the alphabet song!

Main ideas from The Jones Family's Culture of Literacy:
  • Leaving a legacy for literacy is extremely important for the generations to come. 
  • Teachers need to be aware of their children's background and how literacy is viewed in that child's home. 
  • Using literacy in different ways can broaden a child's view of reading. 
  • The eight ways the Jones family used literacy were international, instrumental, news-related, environmental, financial, spiritual, recreational, and education. 
Questions for you! 

1. Have you observed a "fun" way to integrate reading activities into the classroom? If so, what was special about the activity that captured the children's attention?

2. It was stated that there were eight observed ways that the Jones family used literacy. When you were young, were any of these eight ways also used in your home?


  1. I think a really cute activity that I have seen a couple teachers incorporate is called categories. They start with a student lets say the students name is Danny and the teacher would name an animal, food, or any other category that started with the same letter that his name started with. Then Danny would go and pick a classmate and he would do the same thing with that classmate. This is something that is fun but also reinforces their alphabet and understanding words and things that are connected to it.

  2. I love the idea of using the children to do the alphabet song. It is a great way to get the kids involved and still have fun with learning. The teacher I work with has fun songs that teach the kids the sounds of each letter and have different animal name letters (Sally seal, Benny bear, etc.) and the kids love having new 'friends' that they can find in their books
