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Monday, December 1, 2014

Classroom Structure

Class Schedule 
7:45  CARE                                                                    
8:00  Reading Groups & Reading Workstations
9:30  Bathroom Break 
9:40  Whole Group Reading
10:10  Grammar
10:30  Writing & Science/Social Studies
11:00  Encore
11:57  Lunch
12:27  Recess
12:50  Bathroom Break
 1:00  Math & Math Stations
 2:40  Dismissal

~This is a class schedule I got from my teacher when I did my service learning project. It shows what they do as a class each day and at what time. 

Something that is extremely important to have as a teacher is classroom management. This means having control of your classroom while also having great organizational strategies. For the most part, if a classroom is managed well, it will succeed. Classrooms that are messy and teachers that let their children talk out loud all the time tend to not work as well because children need structure. 

 <--- I thought this was helpful because it is a great way to organize each day and what still needs to be done.

This curtain in a corner --->   makes reading seem more cozy and could easily be done in a classroom!

*** What are some more ways to make sure you have great classroom management??

1 comment:

  1. I love the organization system! It is so important to stay organized to better help your students and yourself!
